“Take it slow because everything has its time. Enjoy every process you go through and make it as good as possible.”
This principle motivates one of the alumni of International Relations at Hasanuddin University (Unhas), Harnita Rahman. Amidst the many roles she plays, this woman from Watampone believes that every small step taken should be appreciated.
Although she came from a middle-class family background in Watampone, access to books and reading materials was limited there. However, this did not stop her, and she began borrowing books from some of her friends.
For Harnita, Unhas was a big dream that had seemed unattainable. As the first person in her family to attend university, seeing her name listed in announcement in the newspaper was a very proud moment.
In addition to focusing on academics, Harnita was also involved in the International Relations Student Association (Himahi) and the Unhas Campus Theater at that time. Her studies and the organizations she joined gave her the opportunity to engage more in literacy and arts activities.
With the emergence of a new paradigm in the world of literacy, Harnita views literacy as a cultural movement not limited to reading and writing skills. Together with her husband, Zulkhair Burhan, Harnita co-founded a community called Kedai Buku Jenny (KBJ) in 2011.
As the Director of KBJ, she strives to provide access, knowledge, and encouragement to empowering many people, especially children and youth in Makassar. Initially, this community was established due to the lack of activity spaces, so they also initiated the formation of a library.
“We believe that a library does not have to be a quiet place but can be filled with the sounds of discussion. KBJ does not restrict membership to only those who love reading or the arts, we make it as a shared space,” she explained when interviewed at KBJ on Thursday (21/03).
With KBJ, a woman born in 1984 has initiated many programs, one of which is Teater Anak Ketjil. Here, children are given the opportunity to express themselves through the arts, especially theater.
For Harnita, the opportunity to meet many people who gave her chances to develop herself is the most memorable thing about being part of KBJ. Her commitment to progress together without burdening each other is what allows her to continue to endure and move forward to this day.
Harnita has also been involved in a project titled Pesantren Ramah Anak in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and also became a trained facilitator for families together with the Ashoka Foundation. She is often a speaker in many public forums, one of which was at the Makassar International Writer Festival (MIWF).
Moreover, she frequently publishes her work and writings on various platforms. Her writings on gender and women even received an award from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) in the category of Appreciation for Women Activists in the Field of Equality Education in 2018.
“Through the works I write, I strive to amplify women’s voices to be heard. One of the efforts to make women’s voices heard is by involving them in various activities in life,” she said.
Besides her busy career, she did not neglect her role as a housewife. For her, the choice between career and managing the household should no longer be a dilemma but a conscious choice that can be managed together.
“Women should no longer face the choice between a career and managing the household because both can run together without having to sacrifice one. However, this comes back to each individual’s choice and family support so that women can be more open to discussing it,” she said.
In living a life full of responsibilities, this mother of two balances her time among work, hobbies, and family wisely. She believes that celebrating every achievement, no matter how small, is important in maintaining enthusiasm and gratitude.
She mentions one of her inspirations is Malala Yousafzai, an activist known for herrelentless struggle to advocate for girls’ education, especially in conflict areas like Pakistan.
By embracing literacy, the arts, and the role of women with full enthusiasm, Harnita hopes that women and everyone else can find their own safe space to pursue their dreams.
Original Writer: Ni Made Dwi Jayanti
Translated by: A. Mario Farrasda AS & Nur Muthmainah